Thursday 11 December 2008

[32days] I have Found...

Thanks to Mary!!!!!!!!!! :) If it wasnt her, I wouldnt be doing this blog for today I guess...
Anyway, now Im back on track and thanks to Mary again, haha :D

I went to tutor2u website and did a quiz called 'Costs Revenues and Profits'. Ok, I got 7 out of 10. Now I know that:
  • Costs which only change when there is a large change in output are known as Semi-fixed costs.

And.. there are 2 mistakes come from numerical questions...=_=

Secondly, Ive learnt some Business glossary

  • Adviser - An external contact of a business who provides support and advise, sometimes for free. Government provides support to small businesses via advisers such as Business Link.
  • Bank loan - A fixed amount loan from a bank which is generally used to finance long-term assets. It will have a rate of interest applied to it and a repayment schedule.
  • Bank overdraft - Borrowings from a bank on a current account which are payable on demand.
  • Best case - A scenario used in cash flow or any other forecasting where the most optimistic assumptions come true.
  • Bias - A term used in market research and it is the factor that causes research findings to be unrepresentative of the whole population.

Good night :)


chris sivewright said...

"Costs which only change when there is a change in output is known as Semi-fixed costs"


and that is a very bad mistake.

Costs which change with output are VARIABLE.

Costs which change when there IS A LARGE CHANGE IN OUTPUT are semi-fixed costs.

Very careless!!!!!

do not learn the wrong stuff!

Becca. said...

........Yes I have went back to the website and checked it again = =
i think maybe it's because i was tired... ha........