Sunday 5 October 2008

Guerrilla Marketing

What is Guerrilla marketing? An unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources. It also can be described as an aggressive marketing methods generically.

The term is coined by Jay Conrad Levinson in 1984 within his book Guerrilla Marketing. Unlike other normal marketings, guerrilla marketing is more about matching wits rather than matching budgets, which their low budgets are relying on time, energy and imagination instead of big marketing budgets.

How do we use this term in the business? It's pretty flexible that it usually used to describe extreme, creative, and generally non-traditional marketing methods. As you can see the picture above, it's a very creative advertisement within the marketing campaign.

Overall, the useful feature is that it turns the individuals, such as tourists or people as a consumer, their attention would be caught and take pictures of those phenomena. Next, by sharing it online or in person with friends and family. Also to set the goal of being off-guard, and advertise in unexpected places. In this case, consumers wont even realise the marketing efforts as advertising.

Guerrilla marketing is one of the most successful marketing methods available. It satisfied and solved the concerns of business failure. Here are 3 main reasons.

  • Lack of financial planning

  • Poor sales skills

  • Poorly planned and executed marketing

At last, it's specifically set for the small business and entrepreneur and it's necessary to use current technology as a tool to empower the business.


chris sivewright said...

Good - neatly laid out, relevant and interesting

Dora Cardenas said...

Cool billboard. I see a lot of people standing around looking at the ad in the picture. I love guerrilla marketing. Nice blog article sister.

Dora Cardenas