Thursday, 11 June 2009

:) At last

Winnie, Nara, Siyi, Daisy, Chi, Mica, Wendy, Robin, James, Leo, Lex, Long, and everyone else..,

I Love You all :)
even if there's another 10 years, I'll never forget the time we were all together.

一年過得太快, 就算以後是不是有繼續聯絡, 這一年的快樂永遠都會在
想忘也忘不掉, 這就是真正難忘的回憶

You're always on my mind 你們是我心海最美的澎湃:D

As if the memories stay in the camera forever :)


Mr.Lex said...

I know that you love me!!!!hahahahaha...
Jokin...Anyway,be strong:D

NARA . YAN said...

dear rebi..!
im gonna reli reli reli miss u ><
um,,hope u enjoy ur new life in oxford !..anyway keep in touch !