Tuesday 25 November 2008

Website evaluation - Wolff Finess


The website is for people who want to get fit or get their body trained, it is all about home fitness and personal training. This is a type of advertising gives out opportunities for people to get to know about exercise from the experts, etc.

When scanning through the website, the information provided is actually quite sufficient and allocative; however if we look at it in-depth, there are some strengths and weanesses somewhere.

Firstly, as we can see in the 'about' section, there are 3 experts' personal information and a map for the location of their sports centre. A picture of Daniel Wolff, his clothing doesn't fit for the purpose; in addtion, it does not match with the image of fitness training.

Secondly, there's a picture that is located on the right hand side; the woman's hair style looks like as if she's going to a fashion party with her red lipsticks on, but trying to hold a weight. This shows that the picture is meaningless and not suitable. Meanwhile, there's another picture with a man wearing suit and tie and holding a weight; but maybe they wanted to indicated that of those hard-working workers need appropriate training to keep them fit, although it's just an assumption.

Thirdly, there's no information about the training fees on the website; this might makes people change their focus onto other training website, which would be one of those competitors for Wolff Finess.

Nevertheless, people can still get some basic knowledges and information for what they want to know about fitness training throughout this website, thus it somehow has reached to its purpose.

1 comment:

wolfffit said...

thanks for your comments. i will have a look and see what i can change in order to make it more professional and competitive!
daniel wolff fitness director